Democratic Third World
Democracy ..... equality ... freedom ...... human rights ....... Justice peoples struggled over time to achieve all this and the price dearly sacrificed hundreds or even thousands to get to it became most people today, especially Western countries such as America, France, Germany, Britain ..... and have seen growth in all areas of health education and industry, which led to the enjoyment of the individual annual income can a decent life ....... also managed From the establishment of international organizations for the protection of human rights and child protection and defense of freedoms ...... so it's also protected animal. strange and baffling, ignorance and silence on the physical liquidation that led to hundreds or even rolls thousands of Almslemen in Burma, also known as Myanmar and officially Gmehuthnan Rayya Myanmar L M Alaalaalburmeh. use the ugliest forms of abuse and التعديب addition to the displacement of thousands also denounced some organizations and ignored most of the media what happened Baha and contended others not to allow them to help prevent them by the Burmese government who can accept this? where military intervention may be permissible Rescue sometimes one or two, as did France Rescue Journalists Fayalnniger and Somalia ...... and more bizarre intervention in Libya and arming citizens at random, which led to the entry of the country into a spiral of violence and chaos and resulted in excessive use the murder weapon to the growing daily and without cause ...... as the whole world knows what they witnessed in Libya architectural renaissance did not know unparalleled in my father's now the world is experiencing financial crises cascade Unlike Libya, which invests in all areas and despite the large area understand re Terman and create all the roads in addition to linking Aash Tripoli, Benghazi by rail more than 1000 km and Metro light and skyscrapers and international hotels ............... Is it logical to get rid of the corrupt system destruction all this?? logic corrupt system does all this achievements by?? Either of the Atzlih citizens is my father contributed in Anchar terrorism and terrorist groups? Said not a shame that نخطا but that we continue in the wrong .. no one expresses what happened in Afghanistan Tho Iraq still suffers from the remnants of war in order to prevent Anchar nuclear weapon my father did not not exist mainly repeats knead in Libya and repeated in Syria unfortunately random arming and hundreds die every day until this topic OT ...... treaty are Aldemaqrath and human rights .... Freedom of the press and media, unfortunately, became some journalists Lisbon religions and mocked the Messengers this topic is freedom?
By B.A.
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