Friday, 7 June 2013

World’s wound

                   We are living into a never-ending war world… And if we watch this issue closer we can see clearly that all fights are for economic benefits. Of course, the mask of these interests are many: religious beliefs, land defending, army help…and the list can goes on. But, no. Nowadays, war and fights are for one and only reason: power for obtain money, lands, gold, diamonds, oil and to control the life on this planet. Right? Sure. Why? Funny questions with a very large and profound answer. But, for how long can we keep our eyes closed and our ears deaf ? Children die in hunger and thirsty, women are humiliated and killed without any right, men are killed in fights, or are crushed without dignity.
 And all these are happening right now, in many countries, all over the world.
I am sure you know the story of that photo-reporter who committed suicide after he made many photos in Somalia. Many of these photos can be seen on internet. Every one of these cruel images was payed with millions of dollars. Outrageous, isn’t it? Starving children images value a fortune! But their lives value nothing.

Many of us are wondering if there is a God and why He lets all these happen !  We can try an answer, but, of course, it would not be the real and the right one. It is much above us. But we can do what it is in our power. We can stop being blind and deaf and start see the world’s bleeding wound for healing it. Because we can.


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